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Inicio » RFPs » RFP – Trabajos Techos, Hongo y Plomo

RFP – Trabajos Techos, Hongo y Plomo


February 14, 2019

The Puerto Rico Department of Education (PRDE) issues notice that it is cancelling RFP No. PRDE (ER)-2019-01 for Temporary repairs of roofs, lead abatement, and mold remediation services (the “RFP”), pursuant to Section II, subsection 4 of the RFP. The PRDE reserves the right to re-issue a new RFP for this project in the future.

Julia B. Keleher, Ed. D.
Secretary of Education

PRDE encourages the participation of small businesses, disadvantaged business entities, minority owned firms and women business enterprises (MWBEs) to participate in this proposal. All vendors contracting with LPPS for this project are likewise encouraged to use MWBEs as part of their proposals to provide services and materials for this project. This project is being funded either partially or wholly with FEMA Public Assistance funds or HUD CDBG funds and is thus subject to certain federal rules and regulations including but not limited to environment/historical issues, grant reporting, and labor law requirements.

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